My good friend and training partner Cueca came today to pass the day with me.
We started with some joint mobility for a wake up call, then went on to perform 3 sets of the elbow lever 20sec per arm and ecc one armed chinup. After this we went on to do some balance work on the slackline and handstands on the floor. We changed between those two stations back and forth for 4-5 sets. Then we had a nice protein banana shake and went down to the beach. We met the whole gang at the beach and played a game of american football at the sand. It was physical and a nice change of pace for us. After the game we went on to the grass and fooled around with some acrobatics. After seeing that we werent going to train seriously that day, I suggested we do 5 diffrent acrobatic exercises for 5 reps each and go to eat. We completed it without rest just going back and forth between me and him. We then went up to my house and had some grilled chicken and veggies. We drank some organic green tea outside and kicked back for a couple of minutes. We then went on to take a quick shower and did some myofascial work on the foam roller and tennis ball. After going through the whole body, we did some dynamic strength-stretch work with the elastic bands and finally isometric stretching. That was a nice day of training today, covering diffrent aspects of physical work and whole body control. Sometimes people need to open their minds up and vary their routines a bit, not only for better results but for longevity in sports and art - motivation wise and not only physical-wise. This world is so interesting. Art is so interesting. Sports have so much to offer. Physical culture and culture are such huge subjects. Dont make your life and training boring. Explore.
Cueca is great. I saw a youtube clip with him today.
Cueca is a good man and a good capoeirista. We share a lot of information and work together closely. We also differ in some opinions and issues, but I seem to get inspiration and improve myself even from that. Keep a close eye for some new material we will release to the net together in the next couple of months, as we are working on some video material to be used in the future in diffrent projects and we'll film and release some of it to the Inet soon.
Nice. And when your project starts? Are you going to visit Russia?
Our next project is only in its first stages of planning and organizing material for the development. No, it wont include Russia, at least not this time.
Really interesting blog about liquid fish oil. In a similar vain to liquid fish oil, I've found the richest, purest omega-3 EFP fish oil supplement on the market. My health has improved dramatically - both physical and mental. I've been taking MorEPA now for about 6 months and I cannot emphasize how much this supplement have helped me to cope with anxiety and depression. The supplements can be ordered from **wwwomega3.com**. I'd also recommend daily exercise.
In the last years there is a boom of fitness apps. I used them too, at least one of them extensively (Freeletics). They helped at the beginning, so I got introduced to open-air sports, doing sport outside, actually talking to people (we had these "Freeletics" Meetings in park). It was so much better as going to the Fitness Studio. Until my 36 year of life, i was the on and off fitness goer, not really sporty. These Apps kinda opened my eyes. even though they had a lot of workouts to choose from, after 1 1/2 years it got so boring. Because there were the same exercises done endlessly. Tones of burpees, squats with no real benefit. I am so glad I turned into a "sport freak" with these apps, I am so glad no that I don't use them anymore. As you said ,there is so much out there, there is so much one can do with his / her body. Now I am following your routines and not only. When I see some movement on "movement culture" FB page I write it down and try to learn it. I want to be able to do human flag, elbow levers, front levers but also rotations into the high bridge, au cortado. I am trying to self disciplinate myself and self control myself. I started the squat challenge, the discipline was gone and I abandoned. I want to do that. And also the 7 minutes hanging. First I read your blog !
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