Ben Gorion airport, Israel, 4 AM...
Its been said a million times before, but I cannot sit quietly or I'll explode. People are disgusting. I mean Israelies. Its realy fucked up and I wish it was some prejudice, but it is true. Israelies are pigs and they have no limits. You see people gobbling down huge amounts of food and beverages, cup after cup, kcal by kcal. 'Whats that, lady? You have whisky over there? Why didnt you say so.. I hate whisky, but it is the most expensive drink offered in your cart, so why dont you pour me a cup. Well, make that a bottle.' Only in El-Al would you see people comming up to the stewardess grabbing her by the sleeve asking for a 4th extra. Or the sight of the flight staff begging some old stubburn moutha to sit down and belt up because we are practicly touching the ground in landing sequence.. That is truely fucked up, people, and I have to say, I'm ashamed.
I hate those human pigs, treating their stomach like a garbage can, and thinking the world owes them something. I hate even more the fact that it is part of almost every man and woman today, in me, you and he. Our culture has led us to become something we truly hate and despise, and all for the price of instant pleasure. So dont go selling me that: 'Dont worry be happy' and 'live for fun' slogan BS. I dont buy it. Not any more. You want a cure? You want to finaly look at the mirror and to be able to live with yourself in peace? (Besides seeing a shredded 6-pack also)
I have two words for you: SELF CONTROL.
But thats for another column.
By the way, go back in the blog and have a look at the pictrues I've added. I was finaly able to transfer the Russia material into my PC and upload it. Have fun, and lets hear the people's voice... (If they are out there....)
And lets hear some feedback about this blog from one of my wisest of children.
Thanks for the feedback. You are right, going places and meeting people is what capoeira is all about. Keep checking the blog for more pictures and information. This blog will be transfered shortly to www.hacasa.co.il BTW.
hi ido, what's up?
I read your blog, and I cant agree with everything.
I can agree that some of the israelis are like that (and other pepole in the world), but not everybody...
SELF CONTROL (and confidence) that really importent, like you always say.
so I'll be in touch,
by for now.
Seriously. You think Israelis are pigs? Or did you only mean people who stuff their faces in general?
Israelis? You should see the Americans that I get to sit next to on every flight. There is a one in four chance that my fellow passenger will be occupying one third of my seat on any flight to anywhere.
Man, I don't know if you still see these messages, as I see you're writing on your updated website, but I'm really enjoying reading this blog as I learn more about you. You've got a different perspective and that's good for a younger guy. Like you mentioned......when you live in the box you can't see it....fortunately I grew up in and out of it.
This blog is very interesting on its own. Thanks for shining a light.
I am a doctor on the intensive care unit. I totally share your opinion. People stuff themselves all their lives, no self control, smoke and drink and they basically don't take care of their bodies (i did that too some years ago), then they come in the hospital and expect to get better or that the doctor will find some cure for their 50 years of smoking and drinking beer. We still see advertising to alcohol, cigarettes and bad sweats. Their is no advertising for "do 10 min of yoga every day". It is sickening.
It seems I'm on the right track, I hope I can do well. The result was something I did and was doing to implement it.
نقل الأثاث.
وأيضاًٌ كي نحافظ على الثقة الغالية التي تبادلت بيننا وبين عملائنا والتي هي الداعِي الذي نحاول إليه جاهدين.
فلابد من القيام بتقديم أفضل الخدمات لعملائنا الكرام، حتى تنمو وتترعرع الثقة بنا داخل عملائنا القدامى والجدد ايضاًٌ، ثم القيام باختيار أفضل أيدي عاملة من الفنين والنجارين والعمال.
والقيام بتدريبهم الدائم والمستمر على أسلوب التداول مع جميع أشكال الأثاث التي يمكن وأن تقابلهم مدي تاريخ عملهم في ذلك الميدان الشاق، وذلك إيمان منا بأن الأثاث هو أكثر أهمية شيء داخل بيت كل زبون.شركة نقل عفش
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