I went today to see the city of Novocherkask. It's a 300,000 people city near Rostov that used to be the capital of the Don's Cossacks. (The Don is the river that Rostov is located on his right bank)
The Cossacks did not let any Jews or Armenians live or even enter Novocherkask at the old times, and due to that isolation from strangers the city remained very small and never grew to fullfill the destiny the Cossacks hoped it will have. Instead Rostov took the glory and became the 1 million citizens city it is today.
The Cossacks were strong people. They were great horse riders, and used beautifull and sophisticated weapons in their wars and resistance to the Zhar Peter the Great.
In Novocherkask we went to a boxing gym. When we got in, the only man present was the 60 year old trainer and his helper. The boxers were out running to warm up. The room consisted of a ring, two old leather heavy bags and a swedish ladder in the corner.
When the boxers came back it was interesting to watch that the same technique I have learned from my Russian boxing coach in Israel is taught here. The room was packed and the guys were sweating heavily and working hard. This gym is situated inside a university and the students need to complete some sports courses requirements. Boxing is one option.
Inside the gym I got into a conversation with a nice russian kid that speaks good english (russian standarts), and he told me he is a 1st dan Karate practitioner as well as a competing boxer. He was very nice and descirbed their weekly training and strength work with the bar, dips, pushups, the Gyria and some lower back hyperextensions. Its interesting to see this completely diffrent training methodolegy and physical culture. Let me tell you, while those poor souls over at the west are doing some machine biceps curls and leg extensions, these kids are realy training here. Swedish ladders, Gyrias and heavy plates are everywhere, and used heavily. The full ROM back hyperextension off a back of a gymnastics horse is a staple. Bodies are forged here with Iron, sweat and blood. No air conditioning, gym gloves and pull down machines for us, thank you. This is the real deal, 'Brotan.
Are those gymnastics rings in the mirror?
What are your thoughts on body types? I have a pretty slight build and I've hung around 145 lbs since I graduated high school. I would like to put on some weight so I can put more "purposefulness" into my Capoeira movements. Do you think that's a good idea? Or do you encourage people to work with their natural body types?
yes those are gymnastics rings. They are used often in Russia for conditioning, not only by gymnasts.
Ed, Structure follows function. Train the way you want to perform, your body will do the rest and follow along.
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